cycle malaga routes

Cycling Routes GPX

All GPX Files have a start point.

1, If you are not staying on the route displayed, you will first need to navigate from your start point to any point on the GPX File Route.

2, When you get to the route and start following it your device will recognise this and give you the correct navigation prompts. (Please allow for the extra kilometres)

Any file marked with an *, means it has been taken from an official race and may have different start and finish points.

We create all these GPX Files ourselves and give them away free of charge. Sometimes errors do happen, so always double check your route.

Route 1

74 km / 1306 metres
Start point: Cómpeta

Route 2

50 km / 960 metres
Start point: Cómpeta

Route 3

130 km / 2608 metres
Start point: Alfarnate

Route 4

40 km / 240 metres
Start point: Torre del Mar

Route 5

29 km / 817 metres
Start point: Maro

Route 6

44 km / 717 metres
Start point: Cómpeta

Route 7

43 km / 996 metres
Start point: Nerja

Route 8

15 km / 851 metres
Start point: Málaga

Route 9

32 km / 630 metres
Start point: Nerja

Route 10

37 km / 965 metres
Start point: Nerja

Route 11

60 km / 1290 metres
Start point: Cómpeta

Route 12

70 km / 1175 metres
Start point: Torre del Mar

Route 13

100 km / 1693 metres
Start point: Torre del Mar

Route 14

104 km / 1253 metres
Start point: Cómpeta

Route 15

74 km / 1560 metres
Start point: Nerja

Route 16

66 km / 1137 metres
Start point: Nerja

Route 17

27 km / 645 metres
Start point: Torre de Benagalbón